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Hey noobs: If you get any messages like this propositioning you to join a pump and dump group, be sure to completely ignore it. It's true that when people buy a small coin en masse, the price goes up. But unless you're an insider to group leadership you WILL be left holding their bags. Stay far away

Hey noobs: If you get any messages like this propositioning you to join a pump and dump group, be sure to completely ignore it. It's true that when people buy a small coin en masse, the price goes up. But unless you're an insider to group leadership you WILL be left holding their bags. Stay far away Hey noobs: If you get any messages like this propositioning you to join a pump and dump group, be sure to completely ignore it. It's true that when people buy a small coin en masse, the price goes up. But unless you're an insider to group leadership you WILL be left holding their bags. Stay far away Reviewed by paksvideo on January 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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