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FUN Ethereum Based Casino Protocol saves millions for casino operators.

"online casinos have operating costs and license fees they pay (typically 12-15% revenue) ? the server infrastructure they run, in remote island locations (hundreds or thousands of servers) ? the payments team.. the fraud investigators... the customer service team (usually relating to deposits & withdrawals) - the headcount of each online casino is often tens to hundreds of people, and the larger ones might even be thousands? how many people do you think bovada and its associated companies employs? (many hundreds of people spread around the world)

funfair is virtually eliminating or materially reducing those operating costs, ie, the platform access fees, from crypto currency there's no fraud investigators, no payments support.. probably very little required in customer service, no deposits or withdrawals, etc. and almost no servers. just a tiny server infrastructure (to run the fate channel service) instead of a massive one (no game servers required, no RGS etc)."

submitted by /u/colinmccavitt
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from Cryptocurrency news and discussions. http://ift.tt/2F0SY7l
FUN Ethereum Based Casino Protocol saves millions for casino operators. FUN Ethereum Based Casino Protocol saves millions for casino operators. Reviewed by paksvideo on February 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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