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Horizon State, low market cap, about to be added to one of the largest exchanges, and ahead of a MiVote deal with a Top 5 country that will "shock the world."

Horizon State is the leading cryptocurrency focused on voting and decision making on the blockchain. Horizon State is very undervalued currently (pre-dip around 5.80/180 million market cap - Currently around 1.68/53 million mcap) for two reasons:


  • Voting on the blockchain is in the top 3 most obvious use-cases for blockchain. Of these 3 (currency, IOT/supply chain, voting), voting is the least saturated of the markets currently. Horizon State is by practical accounts first-mover and leader in this area.

  • Extremely strong two months ahead. Will go into what's coming and why it's undervalued at the end.


The last point is the most interesting I realize, but after the last dip, I've tried to focus only on investing in coins I understand and believe in long-term, in order to prevent selling too early in the event of a dip. Listing a high-level of what makes the coin unique (some of the below is copied from something else I've written, but feel it is relevant here), and at the end will list upcoming events that will drive attention, utility, and price in the next week and months.

What it is Horizon State (HST) is the first-mover in utilizing block-chain for voting and decision making. With the recent news regarding fraud and security concerns in voting and the recent crypto-awareness, blockchain is a natural and obvious solution providing transparency and reducing both fraud and voting cost (reportedly from ~7 dollars/vote to $0.50/vote estimated). Voting is one of the most natural and obvious use cases for blockchain today outside of the highly-saturated currency use cases. With crypto-currency becoming mainstream, it's a use case ripe for media attention going forward as it paints an easily consumable picture.


Who is Horizon State Horizon State was spun out of Australia-based MiVote, a not-for-profit political movement aiming to improve democratic processes. Elected senators associated with MiVote will use user decisions for their own policy voting. Once MiVote realized what they had in their blockchain solution, and its broader applicability to voting and decision making, Horizon State was formed as its own separate company. MiVote still uses HST as it's foundational ledger and blockchain, so as MiVote continues to grow (chapters around the global, just announced starting trials with India and Belgium soon) the token price of HST has an additional avenue of appreciation outside of its token mechanics (Note: Due to HST being spun out of MiVote - MiVote currently has a significant amount of tokens - if they run out, then they'll purchase more on the market - that being said, regardless it will be a great news source outside of NGO's, organizations, companies, and potentially governments using the token).


Token Mechanics Horizon State's token mechanics are novel, and directly aid the appreciation over time. 1 HST token does not equal 1 vote (tokens are divisible - so if a token cost $25 in the future, it won't cost $25 for a vote). Nor will voters be purchasing tokens off the market. Horizon State works with clients (organizations, governments, businesses, etc.) and provides a flat rate based on the clients total vote size (for example, 3 million). HST purchases the tokens off the market, for utilization in the vote. After the vote, up to 8% of the utilized coins will be burned for additional market appreciation. More info on the token mechanics can be found here: https://medium.com/horizonstate/horizon-state-token-mechanics-104af1dd26bd


Target markets Horizon States target market is anyone from governments, NGO's, enterprises, and organizations. Voting and decision making are extremely common, yet expensive practices in not only governments, but organizations and corporate enterprise.

Even though governments are a target for HST, a lot of the near-term win is organizations (for example, HST has an association with a United Nations NGO via MiVote, on-going talks with the World Wildlife Fund which has 6 million members, and many other opportunities in the pipeline) and enterprises. CEO Jamie Skella recently stated that the issue now is that there has been so much interest they are in the situation of almost having too much interest from partnerships/customers than their current state requires (SmartCompany).


What's upcoming/Why it's undervalued

What you're probably looking for is here. However, while crypto is volatile, I'd recommend digging into the above details if you haven't. Otherwise you'll end up like me who picked up a couple coins I didn't believe in pre-dip and pulled out when the market dipped as I wasn't confident enough in their value to hold. I lost money on those coins, but with HST I believe in the project so I've held the majority and just put more money in. Check out the Telegram - it's pretty meme free and most of the token holders are there for the long term because of the utility and promise it has in the marketplace/society.


Here are a few upcoming events and catalysts for the next week and the next couple months that will provide great exposure:


  • A Top Exchange Listing very near We know that they applied the normal route to Binance during January. A few weeks ago at their community meetup with Ian Balina, co-founder Jamie Skella announced that within a few weeks they'll be on "one of the top exchanges in the world." We don't know if it is Binance, but it is a top 5 exchange (Bitfinex, Binance, etc.). Based off everything we know, it likely will be listed within the next two weeks (as early as tomorrow - but the exchange hasn't given the specific day). (currently listed on Kucoin, Crytopia, Coinspot, Etherdelta (use at own risk) and LiveCoin)


  • MiVote: 2 major announcements Adam Jacoby, founder of MiVote, stated in an interview that they are moving to contract stage with a top 5 country that will "shock the world:" (announcement 5 to 7 weeks away - Interview - around minute 26)

    ...'One of the big 5 countries in the world has approached us with a really interesting opportunity that we're already moving to contract stage on, which when we announce, I think is going to shock the world'


  • MiVote founder posted: "If @MiVoteAus is successful with its new chapters in India, Scotland and Iowa and secures the government deals it is currently working on, we could see 50 million votes across the globe in the next 12 months. #auspol #hst #cryptocurrencies #crypto."*

    I realize that sounds shill worthy, but if you read it closer, it has government deals in progress and the chapters in India, Scotland, and Iowa have already been founded. A quick reminder that MiVote already has a significant allotment of HST tokens that will likely cover this, but this should at the minimum drive positive news to the way of Horizon State.



  • Website Redesign and Marketing Engagement Extremely soon (likely next week) a website redesign and then a additional marketing push from the team will begin shortly after. They've been fairly heads down working on their business relationships and haven't marketed a ton (one community engagement contest). But with the exchange listing and website redesign, they are planning more of a focused marketing effort soon.


  • Business/Organization Customers In addition, it's been mentioned by both the founder and a staff member that Horizon State currently has more interest than they have availability for their current size. They have an existing SAP partnership. They've kept a lot of the specific customers confidential until the deal and contracts are finalized. We do know that they have a serious ongoing deal discussion with the World Wildlife Fund (6 million members worldwide).


Nothing in crypto is a sure thing - but I see this as a strong play both short-term with the exchange listing and extremely significant news and exposure a couple months out with the upcoming "top 5" country announcement from MiVote. Longterm, I'm very interested in seeing where HST goes as it's the leader in its market segment, and the team and community is extremely strong, confident, and level-headed (part of me dies using cliche cryptocurrency statements, but spend some time in the Telegram and it will be apparent).


Even forgetting the ongoing talks with companies and organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, RemTech, etc. the success of MiVote is enough to drive continual attention to HST going forward. I am a trader, but it's been my longest investment and hoping to keep a portion long term in HST as well.


Encourage you to do your own research, join the telegram and dig in. But in the space with thousands of currency coins and several supply chain coins, Horizon State fits an underserved and obvious target market that will gain plenty of political and global exposure in the years to come.

Some various links for more info for your own research that I've come across:

Horizon State Website

Forbes - Blockchain Ballot Boxes And Democratizing Distributed Ledger Technology

TechInAsia - This Australian startup seeks to change voting and decision making processes with blockchain


HuffPost AU

submitted by /u/mpholt
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from Cryptocurrency news and discussions. http://ift.tt/2oTePH1
Horizon State, low market cap, about to be added to one of the largest exchanges, and ahead of a MiVote deal with a Top 5 country that will "shock the world." Horizon State, low market cap, about to be added to one of the largest exchanges, and ahead of a MiVote deal with a Top 5 country that will "shock the world." Reviewed by paksvideo on March 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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