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Why is nobody talking about TrueUSD being listed on Bittrex? It's like USD Tether, but more legitimate. If multiple companies have different "tethers" then it reduces the impact if any one of them is found to be insolvent, solving the USD Tether problem.

Am I missing something, or is this essentially problem solved? Now USD Tether has a major competitor, the first of many probably, and if adoption grows then you won't have that single point of failure everyone is worried about.

submitted by /u/MaxMusa
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from Cryptocurrency news and discussions. http://ift.tt/2H8LmjQ
Why is nobody talking about TrueUSD being listed on Bittrex? It's like USD Tether, but more legitimate. If multiple companies have different "tethers" then it reduces the impact if any one of them is found to be insolvent, solving the USD Tether problem. Why is nobody talking about TrueUSD being listed on Bittrex? It's like USD Tether, but more legitimate. If multiple companies have different "tethers" then it reduces the impact if any one of them is found to be insolvent, solving the USD Tether problem. Reviewed by paksvideo on March 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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