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So no one else finds it a bit odd that Verge is actually going up in price in a bear market, after a hack attack, after being outed for paying McAfee to promote it, and after the 1 developer begged for money from his own community to allegedly help pay his taxes?

First off, before I begin... Verge is a shitcoin.

What problem does it solve better than any of the top 10, what is it's purpose, and why is it worth what it is worth?

If you can't answer these questions honestly, then it is in fact... a shitcoin.

Now, besides all that, the coin was literally hacked last week, and the price of it was actually still going up... in a fucking bear market. Now come on, even if you jerk off to this coin, and spread its greatness all around the interwebs, even you have to admit that it's a bit fucking suspicious right?

Then, the sole developer, living in his moms basement, allegedly, with a bit too much hair on his neck, allegedly, has the ball to tell his community, that he will release news on the "biggest partnership in cryptocurrency history" if... you give him millions of dollars.... to pay his taxes... allegedly.

And then he goes ahead, and changes the big announcement date to the 17th of April, which so happens to be the exact day all United States taxes are due... coincidence?

I mean I wish I was making this shit up people, but are people really this fucking dumb, or is the developer actually being trolled himself, and these so called investors are actually just 4Channers waiting to pump and dump this thing like nothing ever seen before?

That's the only explanation I could come up with, that or the whole thing is being manipulated by team McAfee, hence the original push... what say you guys?

submitted by /u/DestroyerOfShitcoins
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from Cryptocurrency news and discussions. https://ift.tt/2GHS9p1
So no one else finds it a bit odd that Verge is actually going up in price in a bear market, after a hack attack, after being outed for paying McAfee to promote it, and after the 1 developer begged for money from his own community to allegedly help pay his taxes? So no one else finds it a bit odd that Verge is actually going up in price in a bear market, after a hack attack, after being outed for paying McAfee to promote it, and after the 1 developer begged for money from his own community to allegedly help pay his taxes? Reviewed by paksvideo on April 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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