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[CUSTOMER] Horizon State to be used in The RemTech AWARDS 2018

"We're excited to announce a small but significant step in the use of our decision-making platform – The RemTECH Awards 2018 needs groundbreaking products, services, research, and projects in international payments submitted before March 30th.

Winners will be recognized at the World Bank Group, IFAD, and Central Bank of Malaysia hosted Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development (GFRID) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 8th. Travel expenses will be paid for, in part by Blockchain Industries, Inc. GFRID is committed to raising awareness, facilitating dialogue, and promoting cooperation between entrepreneurs, global organizations, and governments on the contributions of migrant remittances (personal international money transfers) to world economic development."



And there is also this:


submitted by /u/ImAspecialspecial
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[CUSTOMER] Horizon State to be used in The RemTech AWARDS 2018 [CUSTOMER] Horizon State to be used in The RemTech AWARDS 2018 Reviewed by paksvideo on February 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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