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Warning! HitBTC is withholding about 20kUSD from me!!!

Now before i cop a lot of shit for my mistake id like to say, I'm very aware of my fuck up, but i cant seem to understand why its taking so long to rectify this issue. I'm willing to pay a fair price to get this rectified. But the morale of the story is I just want my tokens back.

Over 2 months ago I made the mistake of sending ICX to my ICN exchange address. I’ve been waiting to get my tokens back. I have been told it takes up to 2 months to get this sort of issue sorted. But now when I look at my support tickets they are showing over 2 months old now, I haven’t heard anything reasonable from them!

79759 is the original ticket I opened over 2 months ago! The current open ticket for this issue is #109768. I also opened a new one because they seem to have updated their ticket issuing system so i can add mroe info.

I just get generic automated responses from their team.

I know this is my mistake and for that I’m sorry, I've learnt a very expensive mistake in complacency, I’m sure they are inundated support tickets for similar things. But at the peak value these tokens were worth over 50k usd, that’s why I’m desperate to get them back!

if the tokens could be sent to the exhcnage or an address I can give that would be amazing, all you have to do is use the private key to unlock them. I don’t understand why this is so hard???

I can see the tokens sitting in the address on etherscan.


Honestly, I’m willing to pay more than the $100 release fee now, just help me out.

I’m getting tired of asking for help on your twitter or sending emails/support tickets that get little to no response,

Warning guys.. double check your info. I did X and lost Y. Don't be me. Support are useless and not helpful

if you want to flame me for being an idiot, go for it, but everyone makes mistakes, i do hope none of you who read this make a similar mistake.

submitted by /u/minesony
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Warning! HitBTC is withholding about 20kUSD from me!!! Warning! HitBTC is withholding about 20kUSD from me!!! Reviewed by paksvideo on February 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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